By way of conversation

Carlos Arredondo
Edinburgh 20/06/05

Destabilising thought with a "What?" for everything.

I don't think that modern men
agree with you.

As far as this year's concerned,
says Ernesto Sabato,
thousands of children will have died of hunger.
says the writer,
God doesn't exist.

I don't think that modern men
identify with you.

It's of no consequence,
if you merely propose to blow us up,
to find out whether it was worth the trouble
for us to take off out of Africa,
with our tusks and muzzles.

I don't think that modern men
identify with you.

Good intentions, you'll probably tell me,
don't shine too brightly in the expensive lenses
of the rich world's cameras.

If this account refers to you, then
pack your suitcase carefully and leave:
disappear, emigrate, get lost.

And don't tell me that you haven't understood.


© Carlos Arredondo 2007