Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America  

PEN, May 2004 Wigtown -with poets Rab Wilson and John Manson

2006 Glasgow

2006 Glasgow

I write and perform my own poetry

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Click on the left to read my poetry. English and Spanish

In recent years I began to write my poetry. I have been invited to take part in poetical events in Scotland and Sweden. Some of my poems have been translated into English by my good poet friend John Gillies and I have done the opposite I have translated some of his poems: that is, to translate poems from the English into Spanish.

I am a keen reader of Chilean poetry and encouraged poetry in my musical activities. The poetry of Pablo Neruda has been a constant feature in my activities. I have always involved Scottish poets in my cultural activities, and I have been invited to take part, as a musician, in many poetry events.


1998-Poetry event- Malmo-Sweden

Poetry event in Sweden Uruguayan Poet Roberto Mascaro and Rodriguez

1998-Poetry event- Stockholm-Sweden

1998-Poetry event-

Below: Reading my poems at the Scottish Storyteller Centre (2018)


  Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America